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Quick scrambled eggs

Has a great creamy buttery taste
Home » Recipes » Quick scrambled eggs

Recipe Details

Estimated time:
3 mins Clock icon

Servings: 1


 Cottage Cheese (fat free)1 tablespoon
 Salt & Pepper1 pinch to taste
 Skimmed milk2 tablespoons



Put all ingredients into a microwave proof bowl and whisk until combined.


Microwave on high for 1 minute and take out and stir, if the egg is still not to your liking / favourite consistency stir the egg and place back in the microwave for another 20 seconds.


When you take the bowl out give your egg a quick scramble with a fork.


You can use more than one egg if you want too but I find this is a great quick way to have breakfast at work.


Ideally dairy products should be 0% fat, but up to 2% is allowed as long as it has no added sugar.

Dairy should also be kept down to a total of 1kg per day.


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